July 30, 2008
Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

A New Biz Card

This is my third business card. My first set of cards featured me in a stuffy suit. I quickly wanted a new picture, because I knew it wasn’t me. I retook my picture, in a more casual setting. That was better, but I was never thrilled with the stock Realtor […]
July 18, 2008
How much house do you need - Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

and Speaking of Green . . . How Much House do You Really Need

I grew up in a 1400 square foot house with a my older sister and parents. My husband and I bought our first house in 1998 and it was a whopping 1980 square feet. Today, we live in a home about 2100 square feet, with our two young girls (small […]
July 16, 2008
Green Building Will Hatch

Bad Timing for Green Building

I see a lot of press on green living and green building these days. I am a fan. I believe in sustainable building, solar energy, salvaged, reclaimed building materials; when I see Paperstone countertops and recycled glass tiles, my heart skips a beat. I have a dream house in my […]
May 4, 2008
Foreclosure explained Jen Pells Bainbridge Real Estate

Can You Find Me a Foreclosure?

Clients who want an extreme deal, often ask me that. As someone who has stood on the court house steps for clients and been through the drill, I can tell you the foreclosure process is not as easy as it seems. The main item clients do not realize is that […]
May 4, 2008
How to Sell Your House Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

Selling Takes Skill and Patience

Skill on the part of the agent and patience on the part of the seller. The market, as we know, is not as swift as we all idyllically remember. The key, I believe, for the sale of a home boils down to two key factors – price and location. A […]
April 19, 2008
Softball on Bainbridge Island by Jen Pells Real Estate Agent

Little League Season off to a Hailing Start

My daughter is eight. She plays softball with Bainbridge Island Little League. Last night, which was a Friday, at 6pm, was her first game of the season. And, to welcome the season, it rained, no actually it poured. And to spice it up, the wind kicked up just in time […]
April 14, 2008
Farmer's Market on Bainbridge Island by Jen Pells Real Estate Agent

The Sun Shined on Farmer’s Market

This past Saturday was the opening of Bainbridge Island’s Farmer’s Market. It is now back outside, near city hall and will be there every Saturday, through October from 9-1. We had an amazingly sunny and hot day, so the weather could not have been better. By ten o’clock, when I […]
April 13, 2008
The View of Pleasant Beach below Lynwood Center by Jen Pells Real Estate Agent

Edna’s Beach Cafe

Well, if you’ve read some of my previous posts, I guess it is becoming obvious that I like to eat out. I guess it goes along with the kitchen remodel we are finishing up. The other night four women from my neighborhood and myself went to Edna’s Beach Cafe for […]