Real Estate Business

October 25, 2008
Foreclosures on Bainbridge Island

Current Foreclosure Rate in Washington Not as Bad as 2002

According to the Mortgage Bankers Association the current foreclosure rate for Washington State as of June 2008 is 1.04 percent, nationally, the rate is 2.75 percent. Washington is ranked as the 45th state in delinquencies and 44th in foreclosures started. Last year, Washington foreclosure rates were at .49 percent versus […]
October 19, 2008
Housing data on Bainbridge Island - Jen Pells Agent

Housing Prices? Where are they Going? Let’s Look at Where They’ve Been

Data: Standard & Poor’s Everyone who owns a home or is thinking of buying a home is watching the housing market very closely. We can not predict the future, but, educated guesses can be made by looking back at history. I made this chart up using information from the Standard […]
October 6, 2008

Funny Real Estate Blog

My good friend Allison turned me on to this blog. The blog contains pictures copied from Craigslist ads by folks trying (not very hard) to sell their house. The witty commentary by the blogger adds to the tragic reality of these pictures. The post Good Flowers is my favorite, so […]
October 5, 2008
Summer on Bainbridge Island | Jen Pells Windermere Realtor

Summer Real Estate Stats for Bainbridge Island

Now that summer is officially over, we can look back on the summer months that certainly were not hot – in regards to real estate. The numbers below are for Bainbridge Island single family homes, condos are not included in this data. June 1, 2008-September 30, 2008 77 homes were […]
October 4, 2008
coastal living

Coastal Living Loves Bainbridge Island

I am not sure exactly how many articles Coastal Living Magazine has written on Bainbridge Island, but our island is a popular subject in their magazine. I was a subscriber and fan long before I lived anywhere near the coast. Coastal Living was my mini escape from the dry 110 […]
September 9, 2008
Kitsap Logo

You May Qualify for a Hefty Property Tax Break

Residential Improvement Exemption According to the Kitsap County Assessor’s Website, if you are considering a major remodel, you could be eligible for a hefty property tax break. Washington State law provides that the Assessor may grant an improvement exemption up to 30% of the current assessed value of your home. […]
July 30, 2008
Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

A New Biz Card

This is my third business card. My first set of cards featured me in a stuffy suit. I quickly wanted a new picture, because I knew it wasn’t me. I retook my picture, in a more casual setting. That was better, but I was never thrilled with the stock Realtor […]
July 18, 2008
How much house do you need - Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

and Speaking of Green . . . How Much House do You Really Need

I grew up in a 1400 square foot house with a my older sister and parents. My husband and I bought our first house in 1998 and it was a whopping 1980 square feet. Today, we live in a home about 2100 square feet, with our two young girls (small […]