Real Estate Business

July 16, 2008
Green Building Will Hatch

Bad Timing for Green Building

I see a lot of press on green living and green building these days. I am a fan. I believe in sustainable building, solar energy, salvaged, reclaimed building materials; when I see Paperstone countertops and recycled glass tiles, my heart skips a beat. I have a dream house in my […]
May 4, 2008
Foreclosure explained Jen Pells Bainbridge Real Estate

Can You Find Me a Foreclosure?

Clients who want an extreme deal, often ask me that. As someone who has stood on the court house steps for clients and been through the drill, I can tell you the foreclosure process is not as easy as it seems. The main item clients do not realize is that […]
May 4, 2008
How to Sell Your House Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

Selling Takes Skill and Patience

Skill on the part of the agent and patience on the part of the seller. The market, as we know, is not as swift as we all idyllically remember. The key, I believe, for the sale of a home boils down to two key factors – price and location. A […]
March 31, 2008
Buying a home at Auction Jen Pells Bainbridge Agent

Condos and Auctions: Read the Fine Print

  With our slower market, sellers and builders are getting very creative when it comes to marketing. Last week our little corner of the world made the national news profiling Bremerton’s The 400 Condo development. On April 20th, twenty eight units will be up for auction. The Real Estate Disposition […]
March 28, 2008
Commission debate Jen Pells Bainbridge Real Estate


In a fast-paced, good market, where homes are selling easily and for substantial profit to the seller, few sellers question the commission paid to the real estate agent/s. When a market is tough, homes sit on the market for six months to a year and agents work and market that […]
March 18, 2008
Real Estate on Bainbridge Island Jen Pells Agent

This Market in Numbers

Some interesting numbers from the National Association of Realtors. Number of Existing Home Sales in the United States: 1998 – 4.2 million 2000 – 4.6 million 2004 – 4.7 million 2005 – 7.1 million (with a 38% appreciation rate in 2005) 2006 – 6.48 millioin 2007 – 5.66 million 2008 […]
March 17, 2008

Follow the Momentum

Southland Home Prices Tumble Fast LA Times Article. Eventhough we do live on an island, the ramifications of California and other sliding markets will affect us all – to some extent. We are fortunate to have a finite amount of land here on Bainbridge Island, not to mention an even […]
February 22, 2008
Madrone Village on Bainbridge Island

Condo Living. It May Really be for You After All

One fabulous thing Bainbridge Island has going for it is its wide selection of high-end, ferry-close, harbor view condos. If when you think of condo, you think of a cramped, dark, noisy space, think again about condos on Bainbridge. The best benefit to living in a condo on Bainbridge is […]