Folks riding the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge.
The kindness of the community is what really made us take the leap to relocate to the island. There are many beautiful places around the world, but knowing that we were coming to a place where folks were eager to incorporate us into the day to day activities of life, made the transition so much easier.
And after that transition phase, we have experienced first-hand that this is a community rich in education, the arts, humanity, and nature — a place where our family can flourish. From the Farmer’s Market on Saturday to swimming lessons at the Aquatic Center to a Sunday matinee at the performing arts center theater, there is always something interesting to do on the island.
We have two major grocery stores (Safeway & Town & Country Market), a hardware store, several banks, numerous doctor’s offices, dentists, orthodontists, gyms, etc. – you get the idea. You do not need to leave the island for your everyday needs. The local Bainbridge merchants have everything you need to survive, and you can acquire it without driving in traffic or going to strip-malls.
Data From Bainbridge Island Chamber of Commerce, The Bainbridge Island Almanac and Windermere Bainbridge – updated 3/2014