When I have a closing, I have a list of things for me, the Realtor, to do, like make sure:
But, we know the new home owners have a long list of things to do too. Here are ten import items to make sure you check off your list.
Gas/propane, electric, cable, telephone, garbage service, and any other providers for your home must be called to ensure service is in your name. Double check what day your garbage will be picked up(order cans if you need to) and when your bills will be due.
If you just bought a house, hopefully you had a home inspection. You may not have the time, energy or money to deal with all or any of the items on your list right away, but don’t forget about the big repairs you may need to make, especially before winter comes your way.
Take the time to locate the main breaker box for your home and label each breaker correctly if not labeled already.
Locate the main water shut-off and make sure all household members know where this is located. It is also not a bad idea to purchase a water cut-off wrench in case it ever is necessary to turn off your water supply from the meter.
I did not do this right away when we moved to Bainbridge Island, and I regret it. Print media may be dead in many ways, but the local paper, small as it might be, is a good way to find out about local politics and the inner-working of your new city/town.
Don’t forget to inform creditors and magazine subscriptions of your new address. In most areas, you can now change your address online through the Post Office. Make sure your old post office is forwarding your mail correctly.
Make sure your street number is identified and easily visible from the road. Reflecting house numbers on your mailbox work well. Many streets on our island do not have street lights. You may want to make sure your street numbers light up.
Files that are related to your move such as receipts, manuals, warranties, etc. I give my clients a hard copy of the real estate transaction and I burn all the files onto a CD too.
Ask your new neighbors kid’s teachers, the clerk at the store, get local references.
After you meet your new neighbors write down their names and phone numbers. Put the info in your phone contacts. Helpful to have in a pinch.
For many helpful move-in numbers check out the Community Resources Section of my website.